Sunday, June 14, 2009

Corrupting the Young

I will stop at nothing to furthur the exposure of Twilight. The saga is rated for young adults. How young? Is 11 too young?
I suggested the books to a great friend whose daughter I babysat for. I have know them since she was 18 months old. Now that sweet girl is 11 and reading Twilight. I didn't suggest the books for her daughter specifically, but I am so proud that she loves to read!!! She of course loves them and I am also proud that she has such good taste in literature.
I received a message from her mom the other day asking me to call her back because they had a question for me. I had to laugh when the phone was handed to another 5th grader. The question was "In Eclipse, what is the secret Edward and Jacob are keeping from Bella?" A question brought on by the excerpt on the back of the book. I answered her question and then she asked if she could call me again if she had any more questions.
You may not think I am a Twilight expert, but 2 5th graders do. That's enough for me.