Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am so sorry, Rob!

Does this photo not break your heart? It has been mentioned that this picture was taken after his encounter with the crazy bitches, I mean fans, yesterday on the set of his new movie.

I received a comment stating that he should have a female body guard. I could do a much better job than his security team and I am 5 feet tall. Come on Summit! Hire some better security.

Come on, fan bitches!! Do you think acting that way is going to make Rob in any way accessible to his fans? Scaring the crap out of him is not the way to show your love. Have a little class, cyber stalk him and write a blog.

post edit 6/17/09:This picture is from the filming of Remember Me. Not of Rob being upset with the fanbitches. It still breaks my heart though. I want to pat his head and comfort him.