Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I am shocked at the amount of Anti-Twilight stuff out there. It is mostly written by people who misunderstand Twilight or think they are too cool to be a fan. I found an entire article filled with quotes about Edward and how abusive he is to Bella. Abusive!!! Somebody sat down and read these book so carefully that the picked out quotes, wrote them down and then published them online!!! That seems like an awful long process to undertake for something that you hate. Is it really possible to care enough about trashing something that you spend that much time on it? I should write an article on why dumbasses, who are jealous of the success of Stephenie Meyer and the success of book that people love, feel the need to publish such bullshit. I, of course, cannot agree with the assessment that Edward is abusive. He is overprotective and I don't think that is a bad thing. I can guarantee you this, I will never read anything Anti-Twilight again. It made me very, very, very sad.