Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bella's Eclipse Hair

Thank goodness the mullet is gone! It sucks that she will be wearing a wig. That is obviously a wig. And please someone tell me she is not wearing that to graduation. Where is the cute sweater and skirt that Alice bought her?!! Details- it's just small details Mr. Director!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

How Twilight has inspired a publicity whore.

The title is harsh, but seriously will Kim Kardashian not do anything for attention.

This article and subsequent pictures are of the WTF variety. I found it on People Mag's site. The headline was Kim Kardashian's Goth Look. She says the makeup is her Twilight look. Obviously she has not read the books. Maybe Vampire inspired, like the scary vampires, but Kim lets not go so far as to compare it to Twilight.

Kim Kardashian “loves experimenting” with her hair looks, and now, it seems, she is moving on to trying out new makeup looks. The reality star posted this sinister picture on her website, where she appears pale with a dark lip and no eyebrows. Kim teamed up with her friend and makeup artist Troy Jensen to create a vampire-like look. “This look was inspired by Prada’s fall 2009 runway show and it is so unlike anything I’ve ever done!” writes Kim. “Pretty creepy, right? I call this my Twilight look!” But don’t worry, Kim didn’t actually get rid of her eyebrows, Troy used an eyebrow concealing wax to hide them. Tell us: What do you think of Kim’s Twilight look? Would you try it?

What the hell is up with the no eyebrows?? I just don't get it.

School Crap

It's back to school time and I remember how exciting it was to get a new backpack and new school clothes. It is just as exciting now as a mom. Maybe even more after having the crazies at home for 3 months. I was thinking that it is a pretty good thing that I am not in high school. I would be that freak that wears my obsession all over me.

I would have to have this backpack:

I would need this lunchbox

I actually need this hoodie now

I would buy these nifty pins to decorate my backpack.

I would wear these Cullen Crest barrettes in my hair

I would buy the Twilight Audio book to put on my iPod. Who needs to socialize.

I also need this shirt now

I would be so laughed at, but I would love it!!!

If you need these things you can find them at Hot Topic. That right there should tell me I am too old for this stuff. That store scares me. It's got strange stuff and the weirdo behind the desk with his nose pierced with a chain attached to his eyebrow and the giant hole in his earlobe. His bright blue hair standing stiffly in 6 -8 inch spikes. It intimidates me. Definitely need to find courage to walk in there with my double stroller and Vera Bradley purse. I hear the New Moon merchandise is coming soon!!!

Volturi Photos

Caius- Jamie Campbell Bower
Marcus- Christopher Heyerdahl
Alec- Cameron Bright

Jane- Dakota Fanning

Aro- Michael Sheen

Demitri-Charlie Bewley
Don't you love the red eyes!!!

Photos-Summit Entertainment

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Adventures of a Twilight Tee-- Dueling T-shirts

I kinda feel bad for continually embarrassing my husband and I thank God my kids are too young to realize what a freak I am. RZ decided that going out for pizza was a good idea. I agreed because I will do about anything to get out of cooking dinner. While ushering my kids past the other ravenous families rushing the buffet, I see out of the corner of my eye a T-shirt. I didn't really notice the guy in it or his friends, who were- let's just say a bit different. I dropped my 4 year olds hand and I can't believe I did it, I am generally not the type, but I rushed out the door and said-- Dude, (Oh, God, I need to remember that I am 31 years old and not a kid) "Dude, I have issues with your shirt." I turned around and proudly displayed my Team Edward. He laughed at me and his wife agreed with me and said he was an ASS. I laughed and went back inside. RZ was looking at me like he wanted to run very fast away from the scene of my idiocy. This is what his shirt said:

If you want to be an asshole and buy this stupid shirt, you can buy it here.

I also want to say that I do wear other clothing besides my Twilight Tees. It just seems that when I do wear them the Twilight JuJu sends me an adventure.

My Edward is back!!!!!!!!!

My Edward is back!!! I have missed you!! Damn!! He looks so good!!!
I am just full of exclaimation points tonight!
(Eclipse set photos- more found here)


I have read books in which the writer writes in a way that I can feel the emotions that they are trying so hard to describe. I have cried my eyes out (The Host). I have felt anger and embarrassment so vividly that I could feel my cheeks heat up. I have felt joy and pain and love. New Moon was a very emotional book for me, but I did not cry. I knew Edward was coming back and if I had any criticism for Stephenie Meyer if would be that she did not adequately describe Bella's pain in that awful moment when Edward leaves her. I will again reference The Host. You can experience the growth in Ms. Meyer's writing when you read about the main characters pain and loss. I highly recommend the book if you have not read it.

As an actor it is required that you show the viewer the needed emotions to tell the story. I have total confidence that Kristen Stewart will be able to more effectively wrench a tear from us while she lies on that forest floor grieving the loss of Edward than was written. In a People magazine article I read today (I am pretty sure it was from a different interview because I had read it before, but I couldn't find the first) Kristen uses the phrase "It killed me." The emotion must be there for New Moon to be successful. I will be disappointed if I don't get a bit choked up. I may be too giddy to accurately feel the emotion the first time I see it, but I hope not.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bella's Wedding Dress

Twilight Lexicon has an article today featuring an InStyle magazine article about Bella's wedding dress. Before I did the stay at home mom thing, I managed a bridal salon. Everyday I basically played Barbie with women who were at one of the happiest moments of their lives. When I read Breaking Dawn I had a very clear picture in my head of what Bella's dress would look like. If I could draw, I would post a picture of it. I chose two pictures from the InStyle article that I think are close. If you want to see Stephanie Meyer's vision, check out Twilight Lexicon.

Monique Lhullier

Lela Rose

Brian Reyes- WTF!!! Can you imagine the ego on this guy? If he thinks anyone can grasp his vision he is nutty.


My husband equally infuriates me and amuses me. He bitches at me that I can talk of nothing but Twilight, which is totally untrue. I may say things like: Edward wouldn't treat Bella like that, or Edward would buy Bella whatever she wanted, but I do not bring up Twilight in every conversation. I could if I wanted to. It seems to be a talent I have for turning any situation into an opportunity to talk about the books and movies.

Yesterday, we loaded up the kids and an assortment of our friends and headed to the harbor in Annapolis. It is such a beautiful place with old, narrow buildings and boats galore. It was a fabulous day to be outside. While crossing a busy street, Rz took over navigation of the double stroller. He sometimes feels he is a better pilot. After we were out of harms way. I asked if I could push and he said, in a perfect Eric/Justin Chon imitation, "LaPush baby. It's LaaaPush."

I laughed so hard at him quoting the movie to ME!! I then realized that his disdain is feigned. He likes the movie, too. Don't you think? I mean who quotes a movie they don't appreciate.

I will also mention that I had made a concerted effort not to talk Twilight and had done well. He must have missed it and couldn't make it through the day without a Twilight fix himself.