Saturday, June 20, 2009

Gloomy Saturdays

Stephenie Meyer has severely decimated my literary options. Today is a gloomy Saturday. The little ones are napping, The Big One and his Dad are having a Wii tournament, and I am left alone with time on my hands. This is usually when I crack open a good book and escape into a world of make-believe, but I truly have nothing I want to read. This depresses me something terrible. I finished Breaking Dawn last night, for the 8th time, and actually slept with it in the bed with me. It's a big book, but it was clutched in my arms like a teddy bear. Every time I read it I actually mourn the ending of the series. The 2 words on the last page break my heart. THE END. I just don't want to believe it.
So, here I am with a new hardback copy of a book by an author I used to love before Stephenie Meyer ruined every other author for me. I think I bought it out of habit. I never leave a store without a new book, but just looking at it bores me. Maybe I will just turn on my DVD player and watch Twilight. That should ease my longing and maybe I could pick up my Twilight book and start the series over. Yes!!! That is what I'll do. Start over again.

Shit!! Both of my copies are loaned out.

Maybe I will just take a nap and hopefully I can dream of vampires, werewolves, and a love that will last forever. Or maybe I will dream of Edward alone. Just me and him, and feathers...