Monday, July 12, 2010

Do you like 3-D??

Let's talk for a minute about 3-D movies.

The first movie that I saw in the theatres in 3-D was Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare. Scared the living shit out of me!!! I mean, Freddy's burnt face jumping out of the screen? Crap- I am scared just thinking about it!!!

At Disneyworld the have a very fun little interactive show called Mickey's PhilharMagic. It is not only 3-D, but it has smell-a-vision!! Cute and Fun and not scary at all.

Last Monday, I paid $48 for my husband and I to take the two big kids to see The Last Airbender in 3-D. I liked the movie a lot. (Jackson as Sokka is great, but I wish he was a little sillier like Sokka in the cartoon. Jackson can totally do a bit of comic relief) I do have to say that I liked the 3-D. The waterbending and firebending really worked with 3-D. The glasses were annoying, though. Every time I leaned my head back the glasses were pushed forward.

The reason I bring this up is that there continues to be rumors floating around about Breaking Dawn being in 3-D. Really?

I just don't get it. It was mentioned in a Popeater article that the wolves would be awesome in
3-D. Have they read the books? The wolves don't get much action in Breaking Dawn. In fact, there really isn't as much action is Breaking Dawn at all.

A wedding in 3-D?

A honeymoon is 3-D?

Feathers? Bed rocking? Bella vomitting?

Edward ripping Bella's stomach open in 3-D to deliver Renesmee?

Bella hunting?

Okay, so maybe I can see the battle scene in 3-D. It's a stretch, and Bella throwing out her shield would possibly be cool. They show a force shield in X-Men without 3-D and it was visually effective.

Summit Entertainment, It is a waste of moola to do 3-D. We want you to spend money on the honeymoon scene. We want you to make the movies extra-long. We want you to pay Stephenie Meyer $100 million to write another book!!!!

I vote no 3-D. How about you?

Vote over there------------------------>

My Opinion- You Know What They Say About Those.

I have refrained from writing about Eclipse up until today. I figured that I was giving all of my readers ample opportunity to see the movie. (As if my equally obsessed fans weren't there on opening night.)

I LOVED the movie!!

And now I have a confession to make-- I don't love New Moon. Sure I was on a high in November, but now that I have the DVD in my home to watch as often as I want I have decided that I don't love it. I might actually dislike it. Visually, the movie is beautiful and the acting is much better than Twilight. I have a ton of respect for Chris Weitz. (I liked The Golden Compass) I only know that I have watched Twilight at least 200 times and it never gets old, but I dread watching New Moon.

Now let's visit Eclipse. I pray that it doesn't become like New Moon for me. I liked so much about Eclipse. Today I will list 3 likes and 3 dislikes-

1- The conversations between Edward and Bella; the meadow, in her bed, *wink wink* in his bed, and best of all in the meadow at the end. Bella's explanation of how she feels about Edward and being in his world gives me chills and is bit of amazing writing on Melissa Rosenberg's part.

2- Jasper and Rosalie's backstories. Oh, and their hair.

3- The action! I love mad Edward! I also love a mad Emmett. When Emmett and Paul had the confrontation in the creek. AWESOME!! Not to mention the newborn fight!

ok-4- (I know, I said 3, but I have one more) Charlie Swan is great and the sex talk is just perfect!!

1- The scene where Bella leaves with Jacob while Edward is watching. HATE IT!! Bella would never hurt Edward that way!

2-Seriously, not enough Seth. I will have to write a post about the adorable BooBoo Stewart!

3-Victoria and Riley actually almost ripping Edward's head off. Please! In the books Victoria and Riley got their asses kicked!!

I do need to see it again. And I will. Soon. Very Soon!