Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Admit your love

I have mentioned, on probably many occasions, that I am obsessed with Twilight. I love everything about it or related to it. I get crap from RZ about it daily. He doesn't understand my passion or he just refuses to understand. I don't know which. B2 usually laughs at me and says that I need help. Now, RZ, I understand. He likes for my life to be wrapped around him and anything that takes away from that he dislikes. (I give him plenty of love and attention, don't you worry.)

B2 is another story. She is the opposite of me in her love of Twilight. While I will scream it from the rooftops, she likes to keep it quiet. A closet fan, if you will. I can totally see her sitting at a bar with her friends and denying her love for Twilight if they thought it was uncool.

Yesterday we went to the park with the crazies. Another mom that I know came shortly afterwards and sat by us. We are friends on Facebook and she mentioned liking my status updates (I hold nothing back). B2 piped in, before I even had a chance to move into my Twilight conversation starter, and asked Gaby if she had read the books. I could see the excitement on her face at the possible chance to sit and talk about it. It made me laugh so hard. She's got it as bad as I do.

This Thursday night is our girl's night out. B2, MrsMe and I are going out for wine and a non-Twilight movie (only because that is not an option.) I have decided we must wear our Twilight Tees and talk of nothing, but the objects of my obsession.

I am sure we will get some looks, but I don't care. Do you, girls? I can't wait!!!!!


B*t*h #2 said...

Well the whole shirt thing is def weird and I am sure we will get the looks but i will do it just for you!!!! And I tell everyone I like Twilight even if they think it is uncool B1