Sunday, July 5, 2009

Have my prayers been answered?

I received this update from The Awful Truth on my Twitter page. "Breaking Dawn is a go!" or something like that . I was almost too excited to remember what I had read. If you hadn't read or heard, Rob Pattinson confirmed that he was signed on for the 4th movie while he was in Cannes. Now it seems Ashley Greene is also confirming that she is signed on. Today's Google alert notified me ,through an article from The Deadbolt, of the same news. The article also mentioned Stephenie Meyer, the author of the Twilight Saga, has been credited as co-screenwriter next to main scriptwriter Melissa Rosenberg who penned the first three films. That sounds awesome!!! Who better than Ms. Meyer to stay true to the book!!!!!!!!!
As usual I will wait until Summit confirms, but with this much chatter out there I am pretty sure now that Breaking Dawn will happen. My one hope is that is not a 90 minute movie. I think it should be offered as a double feature with an intermission. I would even pay double. I may even pay triple. I would even donate blood for Renesmee. That right there shows my dedication.