Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!

OOOOOO!!! AHHHHHHHH! The flashes of light, the boom of explosives, the smell of sulphur. I love fireworks!!! Today I realized a new draw to the gorgeous displays of patriotism... The sparkles. They remind me of Edward. My sparkling love. He was not present except in my heart.

I am sure he was present in the mind of at least one other there. My friend, Shanti, wanted to bring her book, but caved under gentle teasing and eye-rolling and left Twilight in the car. I love Edward so much, I would never have caved.

Hope you all had a Happy, Healthy and Sparkly 4th of July!!!

**Say a prayer for all our service members far away from their families on this day that personifies why they do their jobs and the sacrifice of the families left behind to carry on without them. Love you Aaron and Ryan!!**