Saturday, November 7, 2009

Stephenie Meyer on Oprah!!

The lady that changed my world is going to be on Oprah!! Stephenie Meyer has been doing what she calls "the hermit thing" for the past year with the media and has decided to do it big with a visit to Oprah's esteemed couch.
I will admit that I am more of an "Ellen" type than an "Oprah" type, but I am so interested to see what she has to say.
Do you think she really loves Twilight? If I had written a book and then saw it on the big screen nothing could live up to my expectations. I had way less invested in Twilight and I was disappointed. The dream that started it all was the Meadow scene and I think that was just wreaked. Not to mention the whole Spider Monkey tree thing. I swear they could have used that 10 minutes more wisely that they did. Oh my, let's not start, Rachel!!
I have high hopes for New Moon and I can't wait to hear her opinion.

Check out her letter on her website and tune in to Oprah Friday November 13th.

What scene did you think was the best from Twilight? Which was the worst?