Thursday, November 5, 2009

I am all about respect!! Sometimes I wish my doormat of an ass could stand up and slap the shit out of people who piss me off!! But believe me I am a puss.
I have been worried about some little shit ruining my New Moon experience. I am going with a group of people I adore, some friends, some family, I think there are 15 of us. I am planning on going and standing in line very early to get good seats. I am not even taking the offering of seeing Twilight on the big screen before New Moon. I want good seats! If I wasn't a mom with responsibilities I might even camp out. I am even thinking about calling the manager of my theatre and asking for an over 21 theatre. Let the teenyboppers go squeal in a different theatre.
I am so excited and I am afraid I will be disappointed because of my level of anticipation. IT IS A 10 in case you wondered. (like you didn't know)

I read some super blogs and Cutie from Super Secret Twilight Blog posted a great article all about respecting your fellow Twilighters experience. Please check it out!!!

Here is an example of the rules:

Show some grace. For all you youngin' please realize that there are those of us who aren't a spry as we use to be. So pleasey cheesey, show some grace and keep the screaming, screeching and other nonsense down. HOWEVER, for all you older Twilighters (like myself *winks*) show some grace! Don't fool yourself, if you had the energy you'd be going atomic fan girl yourself. Take a flask with you, easy back and relax.

I am bringing my secret weapon to the movie. My sister in law MrsMe. She is bad ass and very protective of me. She will mess up anyone who f**ks with our experience!


Angela Lynn said...


Your secret weapon sounds AWESOME. Do you have any extra MrsMe? LOL

Thank you so much for your support!!! =D

Rachel Zubair said...

MrsMe is awesome!! She threw mw the best Twilight themed party ever!! I loves her bunches and bunches!!!