Monday, August 24, 2009


My husband equally infuriates me and amuses me. He bitches at me that I can talk of nothing but Twilight, which is totally untrue. I may say things like: Edward wouldn't treat Bella like that, or Edward would buy Bella whatever she wanted, but I do not bring up Twilight in every conversation. I could if I wanted to. It seems to be a talent I have for turning any situation into an opportunity to talk about the books and movies.

Yesterday, we loaded up the kids and an assortment of our friends and headed to the harbor in Annapolis. It is such a beautiful place with old, narrow buildings and boats galore. It was a fabulous day to be outside. While crossing a busy street, Rz took over navigation of the double stroller. He sometimes feels he is a better pilot. After we were out of harms way. I asked if I could push and he said, in a perfect Eric/Justin Chon imitation, "LaPush baby. It's LaaaPush."

I laughed so hard at him quoting the movie to ME!! I then realized that his disdain is feigned. He likes the movie, too. Don't you think? I mean who quotes a movie they don't appreciate.

I will also mention that I had made a concerted effort not to talk Twilight and had done well. He must have missed it and couldn't make it through the day without a Twilight fix himself.