Thursday, July 30, 2009

Don't call Rob girly!!!

People Magazine has an article on their home page titled "Nikki Reed: Why Girls Love Robert Pattinson"

I read anything with the words Robert Pattinson or even Twilight related on the off-chance that Rob will be mentioned . The article is not very well written. Instead of talking about Rob, it talks about the replacement of Rachelle LeFevre's Victoria. I was quite confused and then I read this paragraph:

But one thing is for sure: No one will be replacing Pattinson as Edward Cullen, as fans are absolutely dedicated to the actor. Why does Nikki Reed think he's got such a following? "Rob is sort of feminine looking and I think young girls like boys that look like women," she said.

SERIOUSLY!!! That is why she thinks he has such a following!!? Rob does not look feminine. That jaw is decidedly masculine. I think Nikki Reed's opinion sucks. Could she be bitter? I say "Back off, Nikki." I would also suggest that she thank her stars that she had worked with Catherine Hardwicke before or she would never have been cast as Rosalie.