Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sexy hair and morning breath

I wish I had a picture to go with this post, but I don't. In fact if I had taken a picture I probably would have gotten smacked.

I came downstairs to make breakfast for my hyenas and in the 10 minutes that had elapsed since they left my side upstairs, they had driven my husband to try and pull his hair out. They seem to be very good at this. I am sure they could teach your children the art of driving you crazy in less than 10 minutes if you would like.

After calming the storm, I sent the Hubs out for a cigarette in hopes of calming him, when he came in I had effectively silenced the din with pancakes, bacon and eggs. I looked at him- really saw him for the first time that morning and his hair was standing up in a very disheveled way. Not remembering the fact that he had already been driven close to the edge, I asked him if he was trying to turn me on with his "Edward" hair.

Edward Hair

This question earned me a death stare. He brushed past my laughing face and kind of stomped out of the room.

10 minutes later he came down with perfectly coiffed and flat hair.

Question #16

During the battle scene in Eclipse, Who was wounded and how? Be specific.


Jeanette said...

Jasper was bitten. Seth had multiple breaks

fefetwimom said...

bella cut herself with a rock
jacob was squeezed by a newborn and broke the bones in his right side
seth was thrown by riley

i cant recall anymore

MrsMe said...

Bella: rebroke her hand and cut herself with a rock in her elbow pit tring to act like the third wife and save Seth and Edward.
Seth: scrached on his flank by Riley and later in the same battle he was thrown into a rock cliff. All of his injuries were healed before the fight was ended.
Jacob: the right half of his body was crushed when he save Leah from a newborn vampire.
Jasper: bitten on his left forearm tring to be everywhere at once and give Alice nothing to do.
Victoria: beheaded, torn to bits and burned, by Edward.
Riley: torn to bits and burned, by Seth.
Bree: ripped apart and burned by Felix
17 Newborn: ripped apart and burned by the Cullens and the Wolves.

Missy S said...

Leah was trying to prove she was part of the pack by taking out her own newborn, but Jacob took her place. He wound up breaking a lot of bones, but Carlisle set him up and took care of him.

Paula said...

First I have to say LMAO about the "Edward" hair! My husband informed me a few days ago that I need to seek professional help for my Twilight addiction.

First all the newborns were killed along with Victoria and Riley. Jasper was bitten. Jacob had most of the bones on the right side of his body crushed. Seth took a few blows (a crushing blow to a shoulder, fist to the throat, backhand to the chest that sent him airborne into the rock wall). Bella had her self inflicted wound to the arm via a rock (Third Wife style).
Pretty sure that is it.

Season said...

Jacob was hurt. Leah was in trouble and he knocked her out of the way. The newborn got his arms around Jacob and shattered most of the bones on the right half of his body. Japser was sorta injured. He was bitten and the venoms stings.