Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Charlie ?

I am so thrilled at everyone who is participating in my little game. It is so great to see the comments!! I love it that some of you just know the answers and some of you take the time to pick up your books or watch the movie to find the answers. I love you all hard!!

The answer to the last question could be found in Midnight Sun. Midnight Sun gave me just enough knowledge of who Edward thinks and why he does things. I was able to use this perspective through all of the books. I hope you have read it. I would love her to complete it, but honestly I really hope for a 5th book or a sequel to The Host.

The answer to the question was Alonzo Calderas Wallace or Lonnie.

Here is another Midnight Sun question.

Edward cannot "hear" Bella's mind. Can he hear Charlie's?


Season said...

Charlie's thoughts are partially consealed, but not absent. Edward may not be able to hear the exact words, but he can make out the tenor, the tone of them.

MrsMe said...

When it comes to Charlie's thoughts he can only get the gist of them.

fefetwimom said...

he can but it is slightly difficult which makes him think bella somehow got the ability to shield hers from him

Paula said...

Yes! That is why he never get caught in her room! But my favorite has to be when he "hears" that she is going to get the "sex talk"! Love it!

Missy S said...

Yes, he can hear Charlie. Edward can hear everyone EXCEPT Bella