Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Twilight inspired baby names

I again apologize for missing last night's question. The night just slipped away!!

I had been thinking about what to write about tonight when I spoke to my sister-in-law. In fact my inspiration from this comes from all 3 of them.

MrsMe's close friend is pregnant and due any day. She is a Twilight lover as well. Her new daughter will be named Rosalie. I just love it!! When Baby AD was born his girl name was Arabella. This was before I read Twilight or knew anything about it. We were going to call her Bella. Think of all the crap I would be getting if he had been girl!!

So, B2 and QB are both dying to get pregnant. (I am so done with that part of my life.) They both have 2 little girls and are getting ready to send out orders for little boys. We tossed around names tonight and here is what we came up with:

Edward- B2's ex is Edward so that is out for her- QB turned up her nose
Jasper- my cat is Jasper
Emmett- we all like this
Carlisle- none of us are that cruel
Jacob- too popular
Charlie- blah
Sam-no plus B2's sister in law is Sam

I started to ask about girls, but decided not to even put that possibility out there into the universe. We need more little boys in our family.

Personally- I like the name Rob.

Question #11-

If you had a baby would you name the baby after a character in Twilight? What name would you choose?

As I said- Bella would be my girls name and I also like Masen.
And the real question-

How many wolves are there in New Moon and what are their names?

There are 5 wolves in New Moon- Sam, Jacob, Paul, Embry and Jared
Quil had not changed yet.


Jeanette said...

I probably wouldn't but if I had to choose one maybe Masen?

Sam, Paul, Jacob, Jared, and Quil

Unknown said...

LOL in all reality there were no wolves in Twilight! :D

As for a name, I really like Alice...loved her character!

Heather said...

Actually, we have a 10 month old daughter and I was "this close" to naming her Esme.

Wolf Pack Stuff...
Jacob.. duh

Season said...

My husband would kill me. I already named one of my son's Xander after Buffy The Vampire Slayer. So I don't think my hubby would take to kindly to me naming another one after a vampire obsession on mine :)

As for the Wolves. In New Moon I believe there were only 5.

Jacob Black
Sam Uley
Embry Call

fefetwimom said...

If you had a baby would you name the baby after a character in Twilight? What name would you choose?
I like rosalie and jasper

And the real question-

How many wolves are there in New Moon and what are their names?
5 I think
Sam uley. Paul. Jared. Embry call. Jacob black

Missy S said...

First off, there is no way in heck that I would intensionally name my kid after a character in Twilight... its so over rated and people do it left and right! I feel sorry for the kids who are all going to be like yeah I have 10friends named Bella in my school, we cant keep it straight... so stupid.

Secondly, in New Moon there are 6 (7 if you include wolf-girl Emily): Sam, Jacob, Paul, Jared, Quil, Embry

MrsMe said...

Part #1: I am also done having babies so no baby names necessary.

Part #2: Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry, and Jacob, so 5 wolves.