Monday, June 29, 2009

Does Rob make the movie?

To feed my obsession I often Google Robert Pattinson. There has been little Twilight news lately and so, I have transferred my entire obsession to looking at pictures of Rob filming the movie Remember Me. I have never before looked at pictures or followed the actual filming of a movie before New Moon, but here I am stalking the making of a 2nd movie. I know that as soon as they begin filming Eclipse, I will be right here at my computer checking Google each day. These thoughts bring me to a question. Would Remember Me even be on the radar if not for Robert Pattinson? I can say with all honesty that I would not give a flying hoot about it. I probably wouldn't even rent it from Redbox. It does make me realize why actors get paid so much though. Just having Rob's name attached to something has made it popular. Before Twilight, Rob filmed a movie in Spain called, Little Ashes. It is a movie about Salvador Dali and his relationship with Federico Garcia Lorca. I have not seen the movie, so I cannot say exactly what it is about. I have read that it portrays a time in Dali's life when he was finding himself and exploring his sexuality. Again I ask, would this movie even have gained distribution without Robert Pattinson being attached to it? I say no. I hope that Robert uses this to his advantage and chooses his projects well and I hope that he can sustain the popularity that he has now.
I will most likely go see Remember Me in the theatres, I will probably rent Little Ashes if it becomes available and I have already rented How to Be from pay-per-view. I guess that answers my own question. The movie itself can suck, but as long as it stars Rob, it will be seen. At least by me.