Tuesday, February 2, 2010

According to my Hubbers- I am too old to say that these videos are yummy! Can I say mouthwatering, dear?

I know that I am late, but REAL LIFE and my self imposed hiatus from obsessing over Twilight have put this blog on the back burner. It sucks because this is my baby and I miss it. I have so much to comment on so some posts may be a couple days behind the rest of the world. As always, I need to spout my opinions and if I even mention the name Rob to my husband he about throws up.
I will mention though that he, and a coworker actually googled my blog. She is a Twilight fan and he told her about it and my obsession. Even in his disdain, which I detected in his telling of his search, I could detect a bit of pride for me. If said coworker reads this, Don't listen to my husband. He likes Twilight too, only he is a closet fan, who just says he hates it to be cool.

Now here goes: * warning bells * This is not about Twilight, but since David Slade is being so chintzy in releasing Eclipse information, (Thank you? Damnit?) I have to get my Rob fix somehow. I am trying to figure out how to convince my 3 SIL'S that we have to go see this movie for girls night. Oh yeah-That won't take much of my convincing abilities.

I keep losing my train of thought-- Anyhoo-- These videos are from the Remember Me Facebook page. They are Rob's answers to fan questions. (Yeah right? Heavily screened fan questions. You know we just want to know if he is shagging Kristen.)
Enjoy the slightly shadowed jaw and the hands running through his hair. I am also glad to see that someone says "um" more than me.