Thursday, August 13, 2009

More Kristen

A couple of days ago I told you that I really like Kristen Stewart. I think she is great as Bella and those who are irritated by her portrayal must not have read the same books that I did. Bella is strong and resolute in her love for Edward. She is not scared of him. I think Kristen did a good job of portraying that aspect of Bella's personality. I read an article today that made me like Kristen even more. Here is my fave part:
Stewart can be a pretty serious bookworm herself. At this point, she may know Bella as well as Meyer does, and, like many on the set, she won't let anything, not a director nor a script, trample on the author's original intentions. ''We definitely feel protective of the series,'' says the actress, who has no problem stopping a scene if a note rings false. ''The directors are interchangeable, so while it's exciting to have new opinions, at the same time it's like, 'Look, this has way more to do with what we have already created.'''
This is all I ask. Keep the movies as close as possible. Having a lead actress this invested makes for a better movie. Check out the article on Entertainment Weekly's site.