Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My son's life with a Twilight obsession!!

I have an adorable 2 year old son, Baby AD, who, I think, likes Twilight as much as I do. When I wear my t-shirts, he lovingly pats my chest and says "Edward. Bella.". He can spot pictures of Edward anywhere and he points them out excitedly like a normal 2 year old points out a balloon. He has actually sat next to me and watched the entire Twilight movie without being too annoying more than once. I am kind of afraid that I have brainwashed him.

Here is why I think this:

In a genius move that my husband is notorious for we left to go hiking in the Shenandoah National Park, as he grabbed Baby AD to put into the car I mentioned for him to put the baby's shoes on. Stopping for gas, 60 miles from home I notice my son's stocking feet. Knowing the answer before I asked it, my husband admits he forgot the shoes. Luckily a Kmart was found and shoes were purchased. These shoes:

Go Diego Go shoes.

I showed them to my sweet boy and he excitedly yelled-"EDWARD SHOES!!"
He loves his Edward shoes. I have tried to get him to call them Diego shoes to assuage the annoyance my husband feels, but AD insists that they are Edward shoes. I feel it serves RZ right for forgetting the perfectly good black and gray non-Edward shoes at home.
p.s.-Just so you know, AD can say Diego perfectly. He just really likes Edward.


Anonymous said...

Love your website/blog. You are a funny lady!

I am sooooo Team Edward and also have to endure people's flack about my Twilight/Edward/Rob obession!!

But no matter.... My heart is with Rob!!1