Saturday, September 12, 2009

My newest baby!!

Here is a picture of my newest baby!!

He is playing peek-a-boo! I have dubbed him Jasper. Why Jasper you ask and not Edward? Well, we already have a Jacob, Bella and Edward in goldfish form. Actually, We have had swirly funerals for Edward and Bella. They could not be parted, but it just didn't seem right to replace them so easily. Oh, who am I kidding?! Edward was vetoed before I could even suggest it. I would have named the kitty Robert, but RZ would have had a conniption fit. It took him a while to figure out where I got Jasper and then it had already stuck.

So we have a Jasper. It may actually be a girl. (We aren't quite sure of the sex.)

I already have a name picked out if I am proven incorrect. Alice.