Thursday, July 16, 2009

I guess I am a pusher now.

I watched Twilight today with my newest convert. Ahhh- Could it get any better than that? Seeing someone just blossoming into their obsession. The look of love in her eyes. I really couldn't be any prouder. This had to be at least the 200th time I watched the movie and I still love it. It is so hard for me to keep my mouth shut and not narrate the movie. I hope I did a good job.

Usually, Mel would stay and chat a while. We are definite chatters and can gab for a long while, but today she jumped up and said she had to go home. I was actually afraid I had done something to offend her. Maybe it was the fact I had not showered yet. (It is summer break and was only 9:00 am when she showed up at my door wanting to see the movie, so give me a break.) Or maybe it was the fact that I had to holler at the kids.(me watching a movie is not their idea of entertainment.) I was just confused by her quick escape. As I walked her outside, I asked if everything was ok. She smiled at me and said. "I need to go read my book!!" She is halfway through New Moon. I laughed at her, but I totally understood.

Twilight has become her crack and I am her much needed dealer. Next week she will be reading my blog. You know, for her Twi-fix.