Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Am I a cheater?

I, again, today wore my "I run with Vampires" shirt. It is comfortable, matches my favorite capris, and I just like it. I love the looks I get, some are confused, some are from eye-rollers, some give me that little knowing smile, but the ones I love the most are the ones that precede a comment. While in line at the grocery store, an older lady asked what Team Edward was. I, of course, gladly explained and recommended the books. She said she may try them, if the library has them. I said they were worth buying.

At Chick-fil-A, as I sat in the crazy, noisy, play area reading a Sookie Stackhouse novel, another mother said she liked my shirt and was most definitely Team Edward. I smiled and closed my book. She caught sight of it and asked me if it was any good. I am enjoying them and told her so. We talked a bit more about our love of all things Twilight and I mentioned that vampires had never been my thing, that I had previously been a historical romance lover, but I was hooked now. She asked me if reading the True Blood books felt like cheating. I was confused by this. Cheating? In what way? She gave me this big eyed look and said "On Twilight."

Cheating on Twilight? Ok, I think I may have sputtered. I was at a loss for words. I settled for defending my reading choices by letting her know that Twilight was, by far, my favorite series. To save me, with impeccable timing, Baby AD fell off the slide.

Should I feel guilty that I am enjoying a different vampire series? The thought never crossed my mind. The Twilight news lull has been hard on me. If the 9 novels by Charlaine Harris tide me over until Eclipse starts is that a bad thing? The Chick-fil-A lady made me think. I am obsessed, but I am not that loony.

She also told me she liked my purple hair. Yes, I have purple highlights in my dark brown hair. You only see them in the sun. She said I had pluck. So at least I am a cheater with pluck.


B*t*h #2 said...

wtf is pluck?!?!

Rachel Zubair said...

I have no effin' clue, but apparently I have it.

Rachel Zubair said...

I guess she meant I was brave. That is one of the definitions in the dictionary.