Friday, May 7, 2010

A short bit of my convention trip (finally- I know)

Wow- I had so much fun at the convention, but I haven't written a word about it! Life has been so crazy busy!!! (All together I spent $1000 to go to the convention...gulp gulp..., so a yard sale was necessary to make some back. I have been purging my house and the computer sucks me in too deep. So-- I have been staying away from it..

Here is my short little blurp about each celebrity we heard speak:

Peter Facinelli (Carlisle) - Super nice and seemingly humble. He talks about his kids a lot, which I think is adorable. He also answers the question with great detail and goes off on very interesting tangents that gave me insight into who he is.

Michael Welch (Mike Newton) - Also gives great answers to the asked questions. He hosted the karaoke party and sang quite a bit for us. His hair was long and pretty dark. He looked way different from his character. I heard it through the grapevine that he fell off the stage because someone moved the stage and the next day was obviously hurting. His autograph session took over 3 hours. He gave everyone a smile and talked a bit, which the other celebrities really didn't do.

Edi Gathegi (Laurent) - The biggest surprise! He was so freaking hilarious!! His "Geneva" impression was so funny. I think Edi is a great example of what a celebrity who is trying to advance his career should be. I had been thinking of skipping his talk because I was starving, but stayed anyways. I also probably wouldn't have gone to see a movie that he was in, as I have with Rob and Kristen, but now after hearing him talk and learning more about him, I would totally go to a movie to support him.

Kiowa Gordon (Embry Call)- Most Boring- Ok- first of all he reminded me of my high school boyfriend *shudders*. The whole raised eyebrow thing creeped me out. He acted like he was so bored and didn't want to be there. He slumped in his chair and answered questions with one word answers- Yes, no, maybe, oh I take it back, we did get an "I don't know" once, that's 3 words. When he came to the breakfast he wore his sunglasses which was kinda rude in my opinion. He did confirm something about the movie business, It's all about who you know. Stephenie Meyer goes to church with his mom and he had tagged along. She met him and mentioned that he should go to the open casting call. He got the job.

Justin Chon (Eric Yorkie) - Funny, but kinda spastic. He was nothing like I expected. He was very funny, but I was a little weirded out when he jumped out of his chair, knocking it over and ran off stage saying he had to pee. I had to pee too, but you didn't see me knocking my chair over and announcing it so loudly.

Tinsel Corey (Emily) - Wow- that girl can't sit still! She was practically twitching. It was really neat to hear her talk about the Wolf Pack and their relationship. She talked a bit about her music and the foundation she founded that would bring art and music programs to reservation schools. I enjoyed her talk.

I do have so much more to tell you and so much Eclipse news to talk about and I will. I plan on being back to full time writing next week. I have missed spewing my opinions and such!!!

Hope you like the pictures. Let's pretend that I am the hot tall one and not the short fat one. (MrsMe won't mind me pretending to be her.)


Paula said...

Oh come on Rachel! You look great!