Friday, April 9, 2010

Robert Pattinson as Kurt Cobain

Sixteen years ago this week, Kurt Cobain committed suicide. In 1991, I was 14 and in the 8th grade. My friends and I all were in love with Nirvana. We would sit around and listen to tapes singing along with the music, pretending that we were jamming.

I don't really remember any feelings I had about his death, but now I feel for his family who were trying so hard to help him. If you didn't know, he was in a detox program and jumped a six foot fence to escape. He did not contact his family or friends and they never saw him again. He was found by an electrician approximately 5 days after he killed himself.

So why am I talking about Kurt Cobain? I saw an article that Courtney Love wants Robert Pattinson to play Kurt Cobain in her planned biopic of the singer. OK- Rob as Kurt? I just don't see it. I know that Rob is a musician, but he just doesn't have even a similar style to Kurt Cobain.

UK's Sun magazine reported that Rob was committed to this project. People Magazine has a poll about whether or not you think that he would be a good choice. I hate to say it, but I think no. I just can't see it.

Access Hollywood is calling these claims as false. I am sure that we will see lots of Robert Pattinson and I am sure that he would be awesome in a musical role, but not Kurt Cobain.

I see him more as Jeff Buckley. What do you think?

If I had to choose an actor right now to play Kurt Cobain I would think that Jackson Rathbone would be awesome. (Fuck I used that word again. Oh well, it works.)

I need opinions! I know you have them.


Shandi said...

i would do all three of them so it's all the same to me. ok, so one is dead but shit, i'm desperate.

TongueTwied said...

It would be win-win for me as my hubby was a huge KC fan so there would be no complaining about him having to see an RPattz movie with me. LOL!

In fact, part of my argument for traveling to Forks was to stop by and pay tribute to KC.

JR would be cool too.